
About Auth0

The Auth0 Identity Platform, a product unit within Okta, offers a modern approach to identity management that empowers organizations to secure access to any application for any user. Leveraging a highly customizable platform, Auth0 strikes a balance between simplicity and flexibility, catering to the diverse needs of development teams. Whether requiring straightforward implementation or extensive customization, Auth0 adapts seamlessly, ensuring a tailored fit for various use cases.

Auth0's partnership with Authsignal enhances the platform's core identity functionality, particularly in multi-factor authentication (MFA) and step-up authentication. While Auth0 excels in providing essential identity services like single sign-on (SSO), token management, and a universal login page, integrating Authsignal allows for an elevated level of security and flexibility. This integration enables developers to implement more Passwordless MFA factors without upgrading their Auth0 plan and offers greater control over when and how users are enrolled for MFA.

Authsignal also allows developers to enforce step-up authentication challenges based on specific user actions or transactions rather than just authenticated sessions. Transaction signing capability is crucial for security-focused industries such as crypto on-ramps, FinTech, and marketplaces. Additionally, Authsignal provides tools to embed MFA flows seamlessly into various user touchpoints within the app, including customer support chatbots. It also offers a comprehensive audit trail and visibility into user authentication activities, aiding in compliance and fraud prevention.

Auth0 screenshots

Enterprise grade
customer trust
without the pain

Authsignal is a drop-in solution that can plug into any architecture to delivery account securtity controls like passkeys, risk-based no-code rules, and 360 obserability and analytics.

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