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Communications - Push

Secure user verification via mobile push notifications, allowing authentication with a simple tap of 'allow' or 'deny'.

Communications - SMS

Send OTPs via SMS for secure and instant user authentication, enhancing security and user experience.


Robust hardware solutions designed to bolster cybersecurity defenses, ensuring resilience against potential threats and safeguarding sensitive information.

Identity provider

Access to applications and services through centralized identity management, enhancing user convenience and organizational security.

ID verificaiton and biometrics

Secure identification using fingerprints, facial recognition, and traditional ID methods to enhance security and prevent fraud.


Capture and analyze comprehensive logs to track system activities and events, ensuring visibility, troubleshooting, and compliance with regulatory requirements.

Marketing and analytics

Data-driven insights to optimize marketing strategies and enhance campaign effectiveness.

Risk and data

Leverage advanced analytics to assess and mitigate risks, enhancing security and decision-making.

Services and GRC

Governance, risk management, and compliance to ensure regulatory adherence and operational efficiency.

Enterprise grade
customer trust
without the pain

Authsignal is a drop-in solution that can plug into any architecture to delivery account securtity controls like passkeys, risk-based no-code rules, and 360 obserability and analytics.

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